Over 50 years of connecting with

and collecting all things Spider-Man !

Bruce Wechtenhiser,  the world’s biggest Spider-Man fan! 

Mom & Me, 1972

I am available for fun, emotional Visual Storytelling presentations at Comic/Pop Culture Conventions and other gatherings!

For the past 56 years, I have been experiencing many meaningful and unique connections with the character while collecting Spider-Man comic books and memorabilia.

Disclaimer: No radioactive spiders were harmed in the making of my lifelong adventures.

If someone were to hand you a list of all the interwoven "Spidey experiences" from my lifetime, you would never believe it all happened to just ONE person!  It has been much more than just a stupendous series of coincidences. I truly believe that all my "Spidey" connections were a predestined, web-lined pathway for me as part of God's plan for my life. 

My deeply emotional connection to the character is the hallmark of my Spidey love, strengthened by meaningful interactions with comic creators, collectors, and the support of my family members . 

I have experienced all of Spider-Man’s introductions into various media (cartoons, tv shows, newspaper comic strips, movies, live theater), some of which are unknown to even the most experienced of Spider-Man fans.

Another unique connection to the character:  after 23 years of being a big Spidey fan, my spider-sense finally helped me uncover a startling revelation: I have been living my entire life in the small hometown of artist Steve Ditko (co-creator of Spider-Man), a fact not publicized in our city. Over the past few years I have been honored to form friendships with members of the Ditko family and have been helping with projects to honor Mr. Ditko here in his hometown, Johnstown, PA.

 My love of Spider-Man has been a wonderful part of my life for well over 50 years, bringing me so much joy, but it is not the most important part of my life.  I am thankful to God for blessing me with so many more important things in life, including relationships with loved ones, good health, the blessing of over 25 years of marriage, two wonderful children and a precious grandson.

My collection and stories of collecting have been featured in various media in the past four years.

Please check out my "Media/News Coverage" page for links to interviews and more!

I currently write articles (with matching videos) about Spider-Man memorabilia for the award-winning, long-running website, spidermancrawlspace.com  

click here for all of my "Spidey-Stash" articles/videos

I offer three different Visual Storytelling presentations!


I also bring rare Spider-Man memorabilia for people to see in-person.



Photo Credit to David Dupont/BG Independent News

See selected highlights of my "Spidey And Me" presentation. Filmed during my Keynote presentation at the Spider-Man in Popular Culture Conference held at Bowling Green State University on Sept. 29, 2023  

click here


Check out a short Instagram video from my Keynote presentation at the Spider-Man in Popular Culture Conference posted by the Browne Popular Culture Library on Oct. 3, 2023. Over 149,000 views and 8,000 likes !!

click here


The “Spidey and Me” presentation showcases one man’s obsession, connection, and immersion into all things "Spidey" these past 56 years! Bruce Wechtenhiser's collection and tales of his jaw-dropping experiences have been featured in various media over the past few years, captivating people with his passion and insight.

Experience his emotional connection to the character (the hallmark of his lifetime adventures) through stories (including interactions with comic book greats Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, and John Romita), photos, and rare items he brings for YOU to see! Get caught in the web of his love for Spidey!  

Watch the short video which is played at the beginning of the "Spidey and Me" presentation!

The "Steve Ditko, Spider-Man and Me: Johnstown, PA connections" presentation:

Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider-Man, and Bruce Wechtenhiser (the world’s biggest Spider-Man fan) have something in common:  they were both born and raised in Johnstown, PA (Bruce has lived there his whole life). 

Come find out about Steve Ditko's Johnstown roots.  Hear stories of Bruce's interaction with Ditko family members and details of past and upcoming events being held in Johnstown, PA to honor their Hometown Hero! See some rare Ditko Spider-Man memorabilia in person. 


Watch the short video which is played at the beginning of the "Steve Ditko" presentation!

      The stories which couldn't be contained in the first presentation!

The “Even MORE Spidey and Me” presentation

An opportunity for Bruce Wechtenhiser (the world’s biggest Spider-Man fan) to tell even MORE stories of connecting with and collecting Spider-Man from the past 56 years!

This presentation starts off with a short recap of the original Spidey And Me presentation before doing a deep dive into additional recollections, photos, and rare items he brings for YOU to see. 

More emotions!  More memorabilia!  More SPIDEY goodness! 

Take a spin on the ultimate sequel!


Subscribe to Bruce's YouTube Channel!

Follow Bruce on Instagram and X --  "spideyandme":